BC Info Commissioner calls for YPP policies

Nov 4, 2015 by


BC’s Information and Privacy Commissioner, Elizabeth Denham, has called on the BC Liberals to implement policies contained in the YPP platform, including one of our main planks about making all government contracts public by default. YPP has been advocating for this and other transparency initiatives for the past 12 years.

Despite this the BC Liberals continue to keep information away from the public. Currently the Clark government is taking flack in the media for a culture where nothing meaningful is written down and all e-mails are deleted.

According to a recent post by Sean Holman, director of the documentary Whipped, the government is also paying millions each year to bureaucrats to get them to censor FOI requests

Loopholes that exist within the FOI act allow this to happen and it is time that the secrecy is put to an end. You deserve to see exactly what the government is doing and why they are doing it. Currently the loopholes allow the government to exempt from requests any recommendations or advice they have been given about policy.

If instead the government took the approach that everything should be public by default, a lot of the government spending in this area would be saved. The freedom of information department could be refocussed on helping people sort through and understand the information that is already public instead of redacting and denying access to it.

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